Damián Muñoz e Virginia García
LA INTENCIÓN REPETIDA (A intenção repetida)
A intenção de conquistar um novo lugar. Visualizar um futuro. Permanecer no esforço e na energia, para alcançar um movimento de entrega. Os obstáculos tornam-se desafios e as dificuldades são ultrapassadas a partir da vontade. Não desistir. "E se no final se trata de acreditar, por quê não acreditar em algo novo?" Kaj Munk.
It is a contemporary artistic creation company created in 1996 and directed by Virginia García and Damián Muñoz.
His work has been characterized, since its inception, by the ability to generate poetic shows, with a strong visual and emotional impact, always with the desire to empathize with the public in an intimate tone.
The starting point of La Intrusa has always been a work of reflections, of sharing its vital heartbeat, transferring it to the scene in metaphors of movement, images, sounds, and words.
They create, direct and produce scenic and audiovisual projects for which they have received different awards. They have presented their creations in more than 30 countries.
They collaborate as movement advisors in plays directed by renowned directors.
They teach classes and workshops in prestigious schools and national and international choreographic centers.